by Geert Bevin, ZeroTurnaround
Wednesday, 12 June 2013 09:00 @ Room 1
DevOps is revolutionising the way we’re producing software and services, as developers we can reap great benefits from adopting its methods. This workshop will step you through everything you need to get started with applying DevOps to a real software product.
You will learn:
– How to apply Vagrant for automated reproducible virtualization
– How to use Chef for idempotent provisioning
– How to use LiveRebel to safely automate software updates
We’ll start from scratch, building out a multi-node environment that can be launched, configured and torn down with single commands. As we step through the different provisioning requirements and fine-tune them, you’ll learn about environment-specific property values and how they help to keep your releases as widely applicable as possible.
You will experience first-hand why idempotent provisioning is important and how packaged configuration scripts can give you that peace of mind during software deployment. Being able to virtualise your infrastructure, application and database nodes makes it possible to test complete scenarios with all the players present.
You’ll see how LiveRebel makes those multi-node deployments completely predictable thanks to its capability to orchestrate everything operation on those nodes together with database migrations. We’ll explain how to write test scenarios for your deployments and which software and architecture to set up in Vagrant and Chef to make this possible. Having testable release contracts, gives you piece of mind and allows you to react before getting to production stage.
Finally, you’ll learn about creating snapshots of your environments to reduce startup time and how to share your DevOps environment with colleagues and co-workers.